This Weekend: Top 40 Video Countdown!
We’re cooking up something GOOD for your Labor Day weekend!
It’s the last blast of summer, so we’re counting down the Top 40 videos from the video music era.
Some videos cost only $400 to make, while others cost $4 million!
Long before AI arrived, the best music videos were done with imagination, creativity, and a great story line!
Hey, if an artist didn’t have a music video to support their song in the ’80s & ’90s, it would be like NOT owning a cell phone today!
Plus, Joe Cortese will have some ’80s Awareness in the countdown:
- Michael Jackson did something kind of crazy for the video “Beat It”
- George Michael’s biggest video didn’t have George Michael in it!
- U2 was almost arrested while filming one of their music videos
- And what band was offered $1 million to shave off their beards in a music video?
We have a very special weekend ahead on Retro Pop Reunion, so bring those bluetooth speakers out to the BBQ!