with Joe Cortese

No More Sam Goody

If you grew up during the ’80s and ’90s, you know what Sam Goody is!

You probably spent a lot of time and money in one at your local mall. It likely went something like this: you got dropped off at the mall, you went to check out the arcade for a bit, maybe grabbed an Orange Julius, and then ended up at the Sam Goody music store to check out the latest cassette tapes, singles and CD’s.

At one point, there were 1,500 Sam Goody music stores in the U.S.

Today, there are only two – and they’re soon closing their doors.

The only Sam Goody stores left are in St. Clairsville, Ohio, and Medford, Oregon.

Officials from the company said there are several reasons for the closure: the mass closing of shopping malls, music streaming, the decline of physical media, and a mismanagement of funds.

Another piece of our youth is slowly slipping away…


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