with Joe Cortese

Dave Matthews is 58 Today!

Let’s take a moment to celebrate Dave Matthews! It’s his 58th birthday today – a perfect time to honor his many contributions to music!

David John Matthews is of course the frontman of the Dave Matthews Band. Their 1994 debut album, Under the Table and Dreaming, was a huge hit and they were off and running!  They were the first band to have seven consecutive studio albums debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200. They are Grammy winners and were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame last year.

They also excel when it comes to playing live. If you’ve ever seen a show, you know that they play songs differently in each performance. Their roots as a ‘jam band’ are evident in the live shows – it’s a fun time! The New York Times noted the band has “toured relentlessly” since 1992 and sold more than 25 million concert tickets. In fact, from 2000 to 2010, the band sold more tickets and earned more money than any other act in North America!

To mark the occasion, here’s a roundup of some of our favorite DMB songs!

What Would You Say (1994)

Ants Marching (1995)

So Much To Say (1996)

Crash Into Me (1996)

The Best of What’s Around (1991)

Satellite (1995)

Happy birthday to Dave Matthews!

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